
Monday, January 26, 2009

School Room Mission complete !

Yippie! I finally finished the school room. Command central. Feels great to not sit around all the papers, books and junk. This is our formal living room that I turned into the school room/office. We have an open floor plan and this room is divided from the other rooms by large archways so its visable at all times so everytime someone would walk in I would be embarrassed.

I started by sorting everything into groups. Coupons, schoolbooks, bills/mail, yard sale stuff and a pile of things that just didnt go into this room and needed to be put somewhere else. I threw away as much as possible.

I cut more shelves using wood I had out in the garage :) Now Im able to put things on the desk instead of having it laying out and about.

One side of the lower desk is all hanging file folders holding paperwork and the other side is school related stuff.

Im looking for baskets or something to hold items that didnt have a spot before so they landed on the floor next to the desk. Items like coupons, bills, mail, coupon binder, school boxes. If these items have a specific spot the room will not get cluttered.

Teacher deserves an apple!! :)

Look!!! Nothing on the ground :)


  1. Ellie, You did it!! And the room looks wonderful!! How does it feel??
    Hugs, Terrie

  2. Great job! I found a great organization type basket at the thrift store a couple of months back for $2. I loe it for receipts, coupons,bills, to do mail and ect.

    If you will wait a few months I can pick you a fresh apple or peach oe whatever. We grow some 30 varieties of peaches and 16 varieties of apples. We grow other things too. Peaches are our main crop though.

    Great job and blessings!

  3. Oh gosh, I wish my desk looked like this! Great job :) I really have to tackle mine... willput it on my list for this week! Thanks for the inspiration :)
