M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E !!!
Yesterday was the Twins 12th Birthday. I cant believe their 12!!! We got to disneyland around 9:30 and first thing we did was head to over to Town Hall to get their money and their birthday buttons. They also gave me 9 buttons for everyone in our party to wear that said "We are celebrating a birthday"!. If your wearing a 'Happy Birthday button" with your name on it the workers at disneyland will say "Happy Birthday to you"! So all day the Twins heard "Happy Birthday", Or "Hey, are you guys twins?" as their looking back and forth between the two. That always makes me laugh. I asked Mikey at the end of the day after another worker said loudly "Happy Birthday" , are you tired of that now, and he said "No, I think its cool"!
When we first got to the park we headed to City Hall and got their Gift Cards. If you go to disneyland on your birthday you get in free or if you already have season tickets you get to chose I think 3 different choices of what you want. Cant remember what they were becauset he twins wanted the gift card. They each got a gift card loaded with $69 to spend in the park!!! They were so excited.
Our family also has season tickets so both sets of grandparents, my husbands youngest sister Lori and her family joined us. I took some picture with my cell phone but because Im sick and on meds. (this is my excuse on top of Im blonde) I forgot the camera at home and I forgot to save each picture after taking them (Im not used to taking pics. with my cellphone) so I have NO pictures! Whhaaaa. Im hoping Lori knows how to send pictures from her Cellphone to me so I'll have some pictures to post.
What the twins bought with their money. Theres a Star Wars store right at the exit of Space Mountain so they each made their own Light Saber. How cool is that!!!! They got to pick the colors, the pieces to make it with and whether to have a single or double saber. Then after riding the Tower of Terror (we got papa on this one) and after waiting 75 MINUTES IN LINE theres a store at the exit of that ride too and they each bought a T-shirt that says "I survived the Tower of Terror". They have been wanting that shirt for awhile so I was excited for them.
We had ice cream towards the end of the night. I brought candles and matches and we stick the candles in their ice cream and sang "Happy Birthday".
What a fun and exciting day!!
Now this sick mama is going back to bed. Im tired, sick and exhausted but so happy the twins had such an awesome and fun birthday spent with their family. :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fun Craft Project

I was surfing the internet looking for idea for one of the twins rooms and I found a great blog called Design Dazzle. She has a collection of great pictures of kids rooms with some great ideas!

Monday, March 23, 2009
Not Me Mondays

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It wasent me who kept walking by the sink full of dirty dishes all day today, trying to wiggling her nose like Samatha, hoping that the dishes would magically wash themselves and put themselves away. Their still there. Maybe my nose is broke.
It wasent me who ate some left over birthday cake & ate a hand full of sugar candies for breakfast instead of riding the exercise. I would never do that! Nope, no siree! It wasent me!
It wasent me who secretly didnt want the twins to stop showing me how to play their new wii game Mario cart so we didnt have to finish Homeschool. Seriously, what mother would do that!
It wasent me who took a very long hot shower tonight just to keep from cleaning and straightening up the kitchen and washing those dishes that for some reason arent washed and dried yet. Darn nose!
I did however make my sweet sick boys their favorite soup for dinner :) Yeap, that I did do !
SprAy PainTing CHallenGe
Yippie!! This is one challange I can do. I love to spray paint. Easy Peazy! My friend Sarah over at Thrifty decor chick is having a spray painting challange. Shes spray painting her treasures and wants us to join in and show her our projects. Head on over to her blog, sign up on Mr Linky so others can connect to your blog and see what wonderful projects your creating :) I cant wait to see them too!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Twins Birthday
I really need a new digital camera. If anyone moves just a little bit they appear blurred in the photo. But then again, like I always say, maybe its the photographer! LOL
Saturday, March 21, 2009
New Giveaway
Marva over @ Blessed Frugalness Times Two With Twins is having a Giveaway!
The Giveaway
I am looking for your BEST money saving/frugal minded tip. Leave me a comment for a chance to win the prize. Link me to your blog for another chance as well. Anyone that you send over, needs to leave your name or blog name in their comment for you to get more chances to win.This contest is open from now through next Monday the 23rd. Now for the goods. You will win 7 items. There is a book, a journal, something crocheted (bought from Gooseberry Patch), among others. It will be kept under wraps until the winner is announced.
So head on over to Marvas site and leave a great saving tip. OH and dont forget to mention that you heard it from little ole me :D
The Giveaway
I am looking for your BEST money saving/frugal minded tip. Leave me a comment for a chance to win the prize. Link me to your blog for another chance as well. Anyone that you send over, needs to leave your name or blog name in their comment for you to get more chances to win.This contest is open from now through next Monday the 23rd. Now for the goods. You will win 7 items. There is a book, a journal, something crocheted (bought from Gooseberry Patch), among others. It will be kept under wraps until the winner is announced.
So head on over to Marvas site and leave a great saving tip. OH and dont forget to mention that you heard it from little ole me :D
Finally fixed the blog!
Okay, I confess, as a computer geek I cant leave well enough alone and I started messing with the blog and I wiped it out. I love working with HTML code and messing around with things and trying new things and before I knew it. BAM! GONE! Sigh! But some how, thank goodness, some of the widgets are back and intacted! YIPPIE! So I'll leave it alone for awhile. At least for a week or so. Theres just too many fun things for this computer junky to mess with or maybe mess up.
The twins are turning 12 next week. Ahhhhh, time is flying! We're having a small party with some of their buddies tomorrow then we'll celebrate it with family @ Disneyland next week on their actual Birthday.
Have a great weekend everyone! I know we will.
The twins are turning 12 next week. Ahhhhh, time is flying! We're having a small party with some of their buddies tomorrow then we'll celebrate it with family @ Disneyland next week on their actual Birthday.
Have a great weekend everyone! I know we will.
Monday, March 16, 2009
This Weeks Coupon Deals
Went shopping today and heres how I did ......
First stop Walgreens
Total without sales/coupons $57.52
I paid $27.13
Used remaining balance on rechargable Walgreens gc $14.30
Paid OOP $12.83
Getting $10 rebate back from rechargable battery unit and extra batteries (middle of pic) for the twins Wii controllers so everything cost $2.83!! SCORE!
Second stop CVS
Total without sales/coupons $63.16
I paid $13.76 OOP
Minus the listerine, floss, and toothbrush. I accidently put these in the cvs loot. I got those in the above photo from Walgreens. Im tired. I gotta go find my ginormous hershey bar. That will help me wake up :) Big grin!
Third stop Riteaid
Total without coupons/sales $31.94
I spent $16.86
Getting back $13.99
So basically everything cost me $2.87 :)
4th stop Staples
Total without coupons/sale $70.46
I paid OOP $50.59
Getting $32.95 back in rebates
So everything cost $17.64 Score!
Have a great week everyone :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Need your help
The twins are turning 12 at the end of the month!
We're going to disneyland with the family on their birthday so they can get the gift card Disneyland gives out to each season ticket holder on their birthday! Im thinking they will get around $60 each. Yippie!
A week before Im thinking we'll have a sleep over. The twins can invite several friends. I would love your suggestions on what to do. My friend Debbie suggested I have a movie night and just let the kids play. Which sounds awesome to me.
If you have any fun ideas that we can do I would appreciate your help. I want to keep it simple.
Thanks everyone :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Good Morning
Sorry I havent posted in awhile. Been busy helping hubby get his business going.
Ive been working on exercising more. Trying to lose alittle weight that Ive gained over the winter.
Been riding my exercise bike several times a day. It adds up to about an hour a day. 80 crunches a day on the old ab lounger. Watching what I eat and trying to stay around 1200 calories a day. And Im drinking water which I never do.
Hey, look at this beauty.. I could actually get two things done at once if I owned this! Lose weight and mow the grass. That is if I had grass. Genious!

Monday, March 9, 2009
Coupon Deals Today
Went coupon shopping with my friend Linda and heres how I did!
First stop Walgreens:
Total $114.37
After coupons & sale prices $35.49
Put it all on my rebate rechargeable Walgreens Giftcard so ZERO out of pocket!
Second stop CVS. Did 6 seperate transactions . Total of those came to:
Total $109.97
After coupons & Sale prices $19.83
Plus I have a $5 ecb to use next Monday when we go :)
Im thinking I need to invest in a new digital camera. Seems like my pictures keep getting worse. Or maybe its the photographer! LOLOL
Have a great week everyone :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dreaded Taxes!!!
Finally, its OVER! The dreaded Tax appointment. Not my favorite time of the year. Of course it wouldnt have been so bad if I had kept the books up to date like Im suppose to, and if I had been watching the calendar and realized that I had a tax appointment like in 2 days!!
I only had 6 hours of sleep in two days but I gotter done!
We went to our appt. and its over with till next year. Thank goodness!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Clothes shopping! Gulp
Okay, I hardly ever buy myself something new to wear. I always feel that I shouldnt and I end up buying the twins or my DH clothes instead. Since Ive gained weight Ive havent wanted to buy anything either for that very reason. :( But lately Ive felt so lumpy and dumpy. I need a change. So Im getting ready to cut my hair, maybe cut some bangs, and change my wardrobe alittle.
I just found a new blog that I just love. Its Workthatwardrobe. Jane has made a challange of not buying any new clothes for a YEAR and only using what she has. Shes put some cute outfits together. Ive gotton some great ideas so far.
Well, today I bought my first pair jeans in a long time. I usually get them from a yard sale or hand me downs. I got the idea from Janes blog. Their Gap Curvy jeans ( and man do I have Curves!!) and after researching the web I found that soooo many people say these are the greatest jeans. So for two days Ive been trying to find a great deal on Ebay. These jeans are $70 new at Gap!!! YIKES. but I found them on ebay for $32.50 shipped. Hopefully they fit. I got a size 10, low rise, flared legs, Rhinestone on the back pockets (SCORE! I love rhinestones) and their dark wash to make me look thinner! Yippie. This picture is probably a size zero because they look so thin in the legs compared to all the others ones Ive seen. LOL

Oh and shes got some Mary Janes from Clarks that I WANT!!!!!!!! (Lissa if you read this go check them out!) They are sparkly! Too die for!
Anyway, Im on a mission to find some nice tops and some new tennis to go with my new jeans. Ive always wanted Converse tennis and when I saw Janes I knew I had to get some. So maybe thats my new ebay hunt.
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