
Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me Mondays

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It wasent me who kept walking by the sink full of dirty dishes all day today, trying to wiggling her nose like Samatha, hoping that the dishes would magically wash themselves and put themselves away. Their still there. Maybe my nose is broke.

It wasent me who ate some left over birthday cake & ate a hand full of sugar candies for breakfast instead of riding the exercise. I would never do that! Nope, no siree! It wasent me!

It wasent me who secretly didnt want the twins to stop showing me how to play their new wii game Mario cart so we didnt have to finish Homeschool. Seriously, what mother would do that!

It wasent me who took a very long hot shower tonight just to keep from cleaning and straightening up the kitchen and washing those dishes that for some reason arent washed and dried yet. Darn nose!

I did however make my sweet sick boys their favorite soup for dinner :) Yeap, that I did do !


  1. Hope they feel better soon!

    By the way, how is McMamma's son? Have you seen any updates since yesterdays? I am still praying!


  2. How are your boys? Hope they are much better and back to themselves by now! Have a great day! Blessings!
