
Friday, April 10, 2009

Meet Elmo !

Heres some photos of my sweet duck Elmo. Shes been living in our laundry room in a large dog crate for several days now. She was attacked by some wild animal and her left leg was hurt. Shes usually pure white and fluffy but now the poor thing looks like she went to war. I gave her a bath to get most of the dirt off but her face still needs alittle work. Shes very animated and really cracks us up. Or maybe that should be "Quacks us up"!! hee I wanted to practice using the new camera so I took her outside and snapped these photos :)


  1. Oh Ellie -she is darling! What fabulous portraits of her with your new camera! I hope you are enjoying it~
    Happy Easter,

  2. Oh I love Elmo. I hope he recovers quickly.


  3. I love the photos you took with your new camera. They turned out great. I hope Elmo recovers really quick. What kind of camera did you get. Happy Easter, Sis!
