
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yippie, I Won

Thank you so much Everyday Mom of One. I received my prize and I LOVE it. Its exactly what I wanted and I was so excited to get it in the mail. I think I forgot to mention what I liked in the email but this is what I wanted. So when I opened the box to my surprise there was the items! Yippie!

Heres a pictures of my prize and the link to this Eco Friendly company that is commitment to the environment. SeaSide Naturals



  1. Congrats! You are always such a lucky woman! have a great day! Hugs, Terrie

  2. Yeah for you - they look like great products!

  3. Isn't it fun to win? Speaking of winning, I gave you an award today, so come on over and take a peek! You definitely deserve this one~
    Have a lovely Sunday,

  4. It's very unique blog.
    Fantastic presentation and greate pictures.

    I like your blog.

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    Good day.

  5. Congratulations on winning. And thanks for posting what you won - I've been searching for all natural dog care products and I haven't been able to find any. I'll check out that company.
