
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Awarded The Attitude of Gratitude


I was honored with the award of The Attitude of Gratitude by mimi charmante Her pictures on her blog are just beautiful. They make you want to pack your suitcase and jump on a plane to a far off place that is full of history and art. Thank you so much Kim. :)

The rules of accepting and sharing this award are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude.

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they have received this award.

5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.

As far as my "attitude of gratitude", I am thankful everyday for the people in my life, my family & my friends. I know, thats what everyone says, but its true. If you really think about it in the big sceme of things, what really matters? If a fire blazed through your house and took everything you owned would you fall to pieces or say, Ya know, its only things and we can rebuild again but my family I can never replace. Its amazing how as you start to look at life through different eyes when life throws you a curve ball things start to come into focus in a different light. You see what really matters and what doesnt.

Im nominating the following bloggers :

1. Marva @ blessedfrugalness times two with twins
2. Christy @ Mabel + Lola
3. Kaye @ Kayes Kreative Korner
4. AnNicole @ Our Suburban Cottage
5. Jane @ Work that Wardrobe
6. Donna @ Never So Simple (shes going through alot right now, she needs big hugs)
7. Terrie @ Terries lil piece of serenity (my blog sista)
8. Rebecca @ Its 5 oclock somewhere
9. Everyday mom of one
10. A Mayberry state of mind (fellow homeschooling mom)


  1. Thanks girl! That's so nice of you! And congrats to you for getting the award. You really deserve it.

  2. Ellie, Congrats on your award. I am honored that you thought of me. I luv ya so much. But, I am keeping my blog award free. I have a really hard time deciding who to pass them on to. I hope you understand. Thanks for the nice comments on my flowers. Hugs, Sista/Terrie

  3. Hey, Ellie! I love your new blog design.

  4. Ellie thanks so much for the award. I will add it to my blog as soon as I can. I always enjoy your blog and thanks for the hugs. :)


  5. Thank you sweet friend!!! Love you! Blessings!!!

  6. Thank you so much for the blog award - it is greatly appreciated.
