
Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Electric Bill


I know I said I wasent going to share this months electric bill since after doing the calculations on how to save even more on my electric bill found HERE and since I've only been really putting into effect these other energy saving tips for a couple of weeks now , I got the bill and I couldnt resist!

Last month was $106.14
This months bill $69.14 YIPPIE!!!

Because we used less it threw us into a different tier level with a lower price :)

I couldnt believe it. Pick me up off the floor!! I guess all the unplugging, switches off doing, and turning pc's off, it paid off. At first I thought it was because of Southern CA. Edisons summer discount plan Im on during the 4 months of the summer. We receive a $40-$50 a month discount for having the unit put on our a/c unit so they can turn the a/c unit off remotely at any time if they need to conserve. We never use the a/c unit since we have a swamp cooler so it works out perfect :) giggle

Oh happy day! Im $40 richer :)


  1. WOW! You are truly amazing! I'm going to have to look for ways to save on the electric, because ours is over $200 a month for a 1600 sq ft. house. I would love to have a swamp cooler. . .they work so well. Wish I was as good at saving money as I might be at making cards {sigh}. Have a blessed day! ;D

  2. Great job Ellie! Our bill is about $200 per month. That is on average. We have two fridges, water heater, central heating and cooling unit, washer, dryer, dw (I run it everyday) and all of the other things, stove, oven, microwave, and so on so forth. We run two ceiling fans during the summer to help out. Oh and that also includes our outside light on the powerpole. Blessings!!
