
Monday, February 9, 2009

How Low Can You Go??? Menu Challange Starts Today!!

BANG! (thats the starting gun to start running. So run Forrest run! Oops, couldnt help myself )
We're off to a good start this morning. I have my menu planned for at least 4-5 days. Ive been really busy this weekend so I havent had a chance to dig deep in my deep freeze.
So far the dinners I have come up with are:
1. PepperSteak (crockpot), mashtaters, veg
2. Salsa Chicken burritos (crockpot), homemade spanish rice
3. Strog. over rice (crockpot)
4. Faitas (crockpot)
5. Beef Barley soup (crockpot), garlic bread
6. ? mystery
7 ? mystery
We have a ton of rice, lots of boxed items like hamburger helper and theres stuff in the freezer I cant get to until DH moves the stuff on top so Im confident that I can come up with some concoction.
For Breakfast choice of : cereal, cream of wheat, toast, homemade cinnamon rolls, eggs/bacon
For Lunch choice of : turkey sandwiches, top ramen, soup, leftovers, tuna sand.
Drinks choice of : frozen juice, water, ice tea
For Snacks choice of: homemade popcorn, rice krispytreats, soyjoy bars, fruit
I would love to see your menus and hear from you your tips for this week and how you plan to make this challange work for you :)
How low can you go??
Good luck everyone!


  1. This is such a great challenge! Now I want to know what all these crockpot recipes are. They look great.

    I'm already tempted to go "treat" myself at Qdoba for lunch instead of eating my turkey sandwich, but I'll restrain myself...I think :0.

  2. Great menu plan. I just posted our supper. i hope I did it right. Let me know if it is okay.

    Have a great night! Blessings!
