
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Menu Planning Challange Starts Monday Feb 9th

Starting February 9th we're starting a Week of Menu planning on a budget.
How much money can you save by using what you already have in the pantry, freezer, & fridge.
How long can you go without going to the grocery store?
Im planning on using the Sale flyer, Sunday insert coupons and what I already have on hand to do this challange.
If I can do it, you can do it. I would love it if you all joined in.
How low can you go??
Sign Mr. Linky below so we can go to your blog and see how your making this challange work for you :)


  1. I will do the chalange also..but on a smaller scale. With two teens on very different schedules it will just be a dinner challange for me..This should be fun.

  2. Yeehaw! I am so excited! Thanks for doing this! Blessings!

  3. Thanks for the invite! My husband is skeptical but I'm gonna stretch this out as long as I can. We're off to the store now. My husband can't live without tortilla shells and refried beans, either! :)

  4. Yeah, Im so glad you all will be joining. Im working on my menu for the week right now. Going through the pantry and fridge to see what I have to stretch this along. Only thing that will throw a kink in my plans is my sil's family is coming. Not sure about making dinner for them. Hum. Might have to get creative LOL

  5. This is such a great idea! You are a great inspiration Ellie. I'll totally do this. We're actually in St. Louis this weekend for Matthew's basketball tournament and I don't get paid for another week so it's perfect timing for me :).

  6. This sounds like a fabulous idea, Ellie! Do I have to keep track of the $ I save, or just not spend any new $? I don't know what anything costs, but I just stocked up today, so I can go for a while! Look out!

  7. I accept the challenge. My deep freeze will be happy that I am emptying it and not stuffing things in there! And I know my Hubby will be verrrry happy if I do well! I'll try and post Monday, Wednesday and Friday on my progress. Good Luck to Everyone!!!!!!! We can do it!!!!
