
Monday, February 9, 2009

Monthly Saving Challange ~ February 9

Mondays are normally my coupon shopping day. I was all excited to go to town get some deals, and go to lowes and get some wood for a project. Looked outside and it was SNOWING!!!! UGHUGH. It slowed down and stopped for alittle bit so my DH said "Hurry and go now". So I jumped in the car and ran to town.

I feel I did really well at CVS. I scanned my card twice at the scanner machine. First time it gave me a free $2 ecb. Yippie, free money!, The second time it gave me a $1.50 coupon for cvs female personal care item and and coupon for free 3 pk. CVS Antacids and $2 off tums.

I did two transactions. I spent out of pocket $20.84. I forgot to use the free $2 ECB. dUH. Oh well, next week. I used a $10 ecb I already had on the first transaction.

Heres what I got for $20.84 includes tax (reg. price would have been & $86.52+tax)

8 pk Bounty papertowels

8 ct. Duracell batteries

120 ct. Bounce dryer sheets

3 bottles Dawn dishsoap

3 heart boxes of chocolates (small ones for valentines)

2 valentines candies for the twins

Gillette power razor

60 ct. tums

2 pk. energy pack

22 ct. cvs pantyliners

cvs brand chewable asprins

3 pk cvs antacids

madagascar 2 movie (valentines present for the twins) !!!! Im so excited about this. They have been wanting this movie. I had a bunch of valentines candy in my cart, and decided to put it all back except for $5 worth and used the money to buy the items that helped me get the movie for $4.99 :)

Went to riteaid and got:

Finesse Conditioner


Fructis hairspray

Durex lubricant (given to DH for valentines hee hee)

Total came to $11.66 with coupons

Getting back in rebates $10.98

So total was actually $0.68 Yippie!

Went to Walgreens and got:

2 bags 40ct Halls cough drops

1 roll Bounty basics

Zucol cold care 18 lozengers

Fructis shampoo

Revlon Age defying spa foundation

Revlon Creme lip gloss

3 cans of ajax

Total came to $33.18 out of pocket

Getting back in Rebates $32.26

So total was really $0.92 Yahoo!

Went to Lowes for my wood project. $21.33. Used GC so new total out of pocket was $10.31

Went to Target for juice and drinks. I also bought some strawberries. I want to make choc. covered strawberries and Im thinking of making them tomorrow and not wait till Sat. :)

Spent $15.12

Todays spending $91.11

Minus Rebates $43.24

Todays spending $47.87

$560.87 Starting
$47.87 spend today

$608.74 New running Total

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