
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where I blog

I've been tagged by my friend AnNicole from Our Suburban Cottage .The idea is to show everyone the place where you blog. I also have a laptop so I blog in many places like the kitchen, family room, or bedroom. Here are a few picture of where I blog :)

This is where the twins play games and I blog or research recipes. Oops, I usually dont have the placemat under the laptop. I just sat the laptop there to quickly take picture.

Heres where I snuggle after a long day with my glass of wine. My DH calls these chairs the fatman chairs.

or Im sitting here blogging while the twins are doing their homeschooling :)

Now I'm supposed to tag five others. Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog. Feel free to tell us a little about your space, or explain certain items in more detail. Or not. Tag five other bloggers to show them their blogs. Im actually only going to pick four so here they are:

Marva: Another mother of twins and amazing budget dinner maker!

Elizabeth: Extremely in the know of all things. My smart friend!

Sarah: My friend from the Cafe that is extremely talented @ decorating!

Marty39: Check out her living room. The small changes are Beautiful!


  1. Thanks for doing this! I love your kitchen, and that "fat chair" looks heavenly.

  2. the chair looks like it tis welcoming you with open arms! :)

    I'll do this later today or tomorrow! thanks for the tag! Blessings!

  3. Your kitchen is gorgeous and I love the fat chair. It just looks like the favorite place to curl up and stay. Thanks so much for tagging me, I do my blogs in the breakfast room and that is the room that is in total turmoil right now, so I will do a post as soon as part of it is put back together. How sweet of you to recognize me. I am thrilled. Hugs, Marty

  4. Thanks for thinking of me, Ellie! Now I have to do a little clen-up in my craft, aka junk room. My posts are all scheduled through Monday, but I'll do this next week.

  5. Ellie Mae, I almost have the breakfast room cleared out from all the paint and drapes and sewing machine, well you get the idea. I will post where I blog soon. In the meantime I have so enjoyed your blog and attitude that I would like to pass along an award to you. I'd be honored if you would go by and pick it up. Hugs, Marty
